Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Blog 6 advertising.

I have a thing for brunettes, true story, although I am not really sure why I just find them far more alluring. I noticed something of the course of the last half decade that pleased me greatly; brunettes are the new hair color of choice. Really, it is darker hair in general but when you consider how long blonde was considered the hair color of choice for women to the point hair coloring became a huge industry this is quite the development. I know this change is occurring because every facet of media is making the switch, especially the yardstick of our capitalist culture, the commercial.
While the normal tactics once were to put a bombshell blonde in sexy garb, utilizing a product, visiting a place, or generally existing in perfect bliss due to something that can be acquired for greenback. Now the tactic seems to be to put a beautiful brunette basking in the delight of a person, place, or thing brought to you by the life style that can only be obtained with the capitalist goods offered at your local place of business. I think it is because it is somehow more believable, that perhaps they are not making women feel inferior for not being born to some ideal and instead appeal to the average woman. At least that is the feeling I get from seeing slightly more normal looking women in commercials. The commercial that encapsulates this is a line of hair dye commercials where famous celebrities, many of which were once blondes, are promoting darker hair dyes. True they have auburn and black too, but the blonde seems auspiciously absent. Perhaps this is a paradigm shift, most likely some psychologist/marketing team somewhere after an expensive research/think session determined it would move more cars.

I also like to point out that Word prefers I use the more PC, brown-haired women and blonde-haired women instead of Brunettes and Blondes. This is somehow funny to me.


Courtney said...

As a woman i can agree that there are many images out there that have been so influencial to how women perceive themselves. I think that the shift from the facination of one hair color to another is a catch 22. women can become obsesed with having the new "craze color" or look at that color and say "i am beautiful just the way i am."

Fadil said...

I think that is true that there are a lot of women on commercials that represent real life women not all of them are fake. Sometimes you can see the worst hair color because people think they would be unique if they color their hair and not keep their original hair color. Just stay the same way you are nobody needs to change anything to make themselves more attractive.

Sommer said...

Well, as a stylish type of lady I get bored with the same style so I switch my hair up ALOT. Ive changed my hair color a multitude of times. I must admit even though I used to always see women dye their hair a head full of blonde hair. I felt a little tempted but always came to the conclusion to not. for one, I dont like looking like everyone else, and two-blonde jus doesnt look right on every woman. So Ive experimented with auburns, reds, brunettes, copper, thoses type of colors. People have always loved them. So bump blonde!!!! I dont care if all my favorite celebrities were blonde- I still wouldnt be.