Thursday, January 10, 2008

About me thing

Three words that describe me would be loyalty, ethics, and consistency. I hate anyone who believes in these words, "Each man for himself, and the Devil take the hindmost." Guess what, that is you America.

I would like to meet anyone worth knowing and anyone who lives every week like its Shark Week, whatever that means. I would like to know more about other people outside the folks I come across.

I like stuff and things, mostly doing stuff and owning things respectively. I watch a lot of TV, mostly comedy and sports. I am a big fan of the Detroit Red Wings and they are definitely my favorite form of entertainment. I like good music. Yeah. My favorite bands are Sufjan Stevens, 311, Beatles, Beck. At least I have the most CD’s of those artists. My Ipod has like 4000 songs on it and a lot of variety.

Movies are my favorite thing. The Best movie of all time is The Shawshank Redemption, in at least a technical sense and any argument against its superior quality is mute and not opinion but fact, however this is not my favorite movie, which is a matter of opinion. My Favorite movies of all time are; The Back to the Future Trilogy, High Fidelity, Rushmore, The Original Poseidon Adventure, Ghostbusters, The Pink Submarine (I promise you not gay slang but an older movie), TMNT, The Shawshank Redemption, Evil Dead 2, Army of Darkness, The Sting, Demolition Man, Fight Club. The Best movies I have seen in the last couple of years, Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou, I heart Huckabees, Batman Begins, and Lost in Translation.

I read books, but not all that often and they are mostly very well known books. I would say my favorite is Animal Farm, or Sex, Drugs, and Coco Puffs.

I could have said things that are more abstract about who I am. Yet it is a material superficial world and well those things give you a feeling about who I am.


Dallas said...

It seems like you are very opinionated and have your own set of beliefs and ideas, which I think is a very good, and too often times unheard of, quality for someone to have. However, I'd have to disagree with you about The Shawshank Redemption being the best movie ever, technically speaking. That is most definitely an opinion, and I happen to think it is one of the most overrated, yet still good, films of all time. It's nice to see Sufjan Stevens listed in your favorite music, though, as I don't know many people who listen to, or have heard of, him. I, too, have a very eclectic taste in music (my iTunes has over 10,000 songs), so it's always nice to see someone who enjoys a wide range of music.


Dallas said...

Yeah, I live a few miles away from Chippewa.

About the agnostic/atheist thing: I don't think they're mutually exclusive. Atheism is the lack of a belief in a god or gods; agnosticism is the lack of knowing. I think you'd find that most atheists (even the more outspoken ones) are a mixture of agnostic/atheist. I don't know for certain whether or not there is a god or gods, but I do not believe that any exist. It's what's known as weak atheism. A strong atheist would assert that there is no god with absolute certainty. I just don't believe that there is one, but wouldn't say that I knew for certain. I am, however, a rather strong atheist in relation to the concept of the Judeo-Christian God.

As for Sufjan Stevens, and other artists with a hint of Christian influence, I don't dislike music based on any sort of religious influence. I tend not to listen to what is commonly regarded as "christian rock" or any sort of gospel that is very preachy, but Sufjan's music isn't overwhelmingly Christian or preachy in any way. Especially Illinois, which is my favorite of his. It's just good music. Some of the most beautiful music recorded has been influenced by the faith of the writer/performer, and I have no problem with that. I just don't share the same beliefs as the performer.

I hope this answers your questions. Take it easy, too.


Dallas said...

Actually, atheism is the lack of a belief in a god or gods. The opposite of theism (a belief). Agnosticism is the opposite of gnosis, or knowing. Therefore, I think it would be safe to say that pretty much everyone should be agnostic to some degree, and anyone who claims to know for sure is either lying or delusional.

I will admit that a few of the more militant atheists are a bit hard-headed and stubborn and are basically just atheists because they're unhappy with their lives or something and it must be god(s) fault so, therefore, he does not exist. However, in my experience, a lot of atheists aren't very militant. I guess it could be compared to how a lot of Christians aren't very militant evangelicals but are sometimes given a bad name because of the more militant followers. I've found that a lot of atheists get a bad wrap just because of the preconceptions placed upon them as a result of some of the more militant nonbelievers. I think you'd find that most atheists are a lot more level headed, friendly, understanding, and quite logical. However, it seems like a very hard idea to get across with the bad name that atheism has gotten over the years as a result of a few bad eggs (much like Christianity and other religions).

But I agree that I couldn't care less what people believe. Religion (or lack thereof) is just a topic that interests me quite a bit, but when it comes right down to it it really doesn't matter what someone believes, but more what they use that belief for. Unfortunately, it sometimes doesn't end up very ethical and respectful, which is a shame. But that's the way it goes, I guess.

Anyway, yeah, I don't think blogger comments are the best place for philosophical ramblings, but this has been fun. Have fun with your Wii, I'm going to go play my DS.
