Thursday, March 27, 2008

bogg 8 the one with all the slides

The presentations were something more or less foreign to me. That is to say it showed a little bit more of the personal or inner workings of many type of people I have not really inter worked with since high school. I mean this with no disrespect, just that many of the thoughts are something I would not naturally have.
Technically all the presentations were very well done and illustrate just how much everyone knows this technology. I really hope I do not have to do another one of these in another class, yet I know I will have to. It seems that a multitude of teachers think this is cutting edge, and while it is important, these seem to prove to me that most know how to work with the system.
I have to say that they were rough on the information front, mostly because this was a short non-research assignment. Many of the aspects and concepts alluded to by the presenters were simply not brought forward in entirety or with correct application. This would be a bigger deal in my opinion if the class was on these concepts. I thought on a whole the class was very respectful of each other and gave effort to show a bit of what they liked and knew in the ads they picked. With the exception of myself perhaps who just basically picked an ad for familiarity with the goals of the project given.